Minister for Ageing warns extra services facilities
Nursing homes failing to provide or comply with their claimed level of Extra Services will face tough penalties including possible loss of approved provider status and Commonwealth Government subsidies from the Department of Health and Ageing.
The Minister for Ageing Justine Elliot said any specific allegation would be referred to the Department of Health and Ageing and investigated by its Complaints Investigation Scheme.
Mrs Elliot made the comments in response to a report in Melbourne’s Herald Sun about Extra Services in Victoria.
“If residents and their families are paying extra to receive additional services in their nursing home, then they have a right to receive what they are paying for,” Mrs Elliot said.
Nursing homes are only approved to offer Extra Service if their level of provision of these extras is significantly higher than other homes. If a nursing home provider has approval for Extra Services they are able to charge additional fees.
Extra Services were introduced in 2003 by the previous Government and will be retained.
Examples of Extra Services include hotel-type services for nursing home residents such hotel-style furniture, varied meal and beverage options. It can also include personal services like manicures and hairdressing.
Extra Services are assessed on a strict protocol by the Department of Health and Ageing.
“If anybody has concerns about the provision of Extra Services they should lodge a complaint immediately,” Mrs Elliott said.
The Complaints Investigation Scheme can be contacted on 1800 550 552.