KPMG now ready to help nursing homes over ACFI
Aged care providers – including rural and smaller ones, or those with specific needs – will be able to get practical advice on the new funding model, from a dedicated free advisory service.
The Department of Health and Ageing recently appointed KPMG to deal with requests for assistance from Australia’s 2,870 nursing homes, as they make the transition to new funding arrangements.
The Australian Government recognised some may need help making the change, and the service will provide $3 million in business advice.
The new funding model – known as the ‘Aged Care Funding Instrument’ (ACFI) – replaced the ‘Resident Classification Scheme’ on 20 March this year. It had bi-partisan support.
KPMG has now has set up a project office to process enquiries and provide assistance.
Requests will be made through a telephone hotline; 1800 633 719, or a dedicated webpage.