Koori growing old well study
A National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) funded ‘Koori Growing Old Well Study – 2008 to 2010’, being undertaken by the Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute in NSW, is designed to address key questions about Aboriginal health and ageing.
The study aims to learn about things that happen to people that affect the way they age across the life cycle, by collecting information from around 1,000 people aged 45 years and over, living in cities, smaller towns and country areas.
Early life factors that affect physical health and brain function throughout the lifespan start with issues arising during pregnancy and birth, as well as early life infections, adverse childhood events, education, and parenting.
Mid life factors to be examined include, high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, obesity, heart and lung disease, alcohol and drug use, and continuing education through job experience and training.
Later life questions will focus on what is Aboriginal ageing and dementia, how often cognitive changes and different dementia types affect people, how dementia is best measured in Aboriginal communities, the impact of factors, including the life expectancy gap, and the access to aged care services for older Indigenous Australians and their carers.
As well as finding answers to these questions, the project will aim to build capacity in the local Aboriginal communities, in understanding more about the best ways for people to stay healthy throughout their lives and enjoy a healthy mind and body in their older years, and by employing and training Aboriginal researchers.