John Howard leads by example

Prime Minister John Howard
Whatever their politics John Howard’s contemporaries – those aged 67 – can all admire his fitness levels – which obviously play a part in his continuing vigor and interest in remaining Prime Minister for another few years.
Dr Allan McLean, director of the National Ageing Research Institute in Melbourne, says Mr Howard embodies one of the key concepts for healthy ageing: keeping busy.
The Prime Minister has revealed his “golden rules” for fitness: exercising regularly, not skipping meals, not running late, especially for planes (well, the VIP planes will probably not take off without him!), no eating between meals, not smoking, and drinking only in moderation.
He says he has also added push-ups to his daily workout regimen.
The Prime Minister is one of
,000 Australians aged 65 and over who are working full time. In 1997, the figure was only 26,100.