Impact of home maintenance and modification services
The Australian Housing & Urban Research Institute (AHURI), has produced a peer reviewed positioning paper on the impact of home maintenance and modification services on health, community care and housing outcomes in later life.
The aim of this research project is to provide an analytical framework and research foundation for understanding the impact of home maintenance and modification (HMM) services on health, community care and housing outcomes in later life, and for developing more effective public policies relating to provision of these services.
The project is predicated on a concern that the potential of HMM services is yet to be realised and that this is an under-researched area of policy and service provision.
The first two stages of the study, reported in this paper, include an international literature review and a review of the Australian service system.
The positioning paper also includes a review of the Australian ageing policy context. Based on these reviews, the positioning paper presents an analytical framework for research and policy development relating to HMM services in Australia.
The remainder of the project includes two studies, the first a more critical analysis of the service system and its links to ageing policy, the second a qualitative study of the experiences of consumers of HMM services.