Ian Hardy awarded coveted Churchill Fellowship
Ian Hardy, chief executive officer of Helping Hand Aged Care in SA, has been awarded a Churchill Fellowship by the Churchill Trust.
Established in 1965, the aim of the Fellowship is to give opportunity, through the provision of financial support, to selected Australians who desire to further their search for excellence, in their nominated field, overseas.
The Churchill Fellowship will permit Mr Hardy to travel abroad to further research and study Consumer-Directed Aged Care policy and programs in the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria and Japan.
Ian Hardy said that this fellowship was an enormous privilege and provided the opportunity for research into alternative management for aged services in Australia.
“Consumer-Directed Aged Care is an approach which gives the consumer more control over the services they receive and how they are provided.” he said.
“This opportunity to undertake a study tour will provide the chance to see and experience first hand the benefits and challenges of a consumer-directed approach to aged care.”
Mr Hardy was also recently acknowledged in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in June 2008 with his appointment as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM). The awarding of an AM was “for service to the community, particularly in the area of aged care as a leading contributor to the development of better services.”