Housing boost for older Daylesford (Vic) residents
The tenants of the 25-unit Hospital Street older people’s estate in Daylesford, will benefit from a full upgrade to their homes this year.
Improvements will include interior painting and repairs, as well as improvements to gardens and fences to improve the look and liveability of the estate.
Victorian Housing Minister, Richard Wynne, said the 25-unit estate was built 26 years ago and was now due for a facelift.
“The Hospital Street estate is an important facility for older residents of Daylesford, in an established residential area located close to shops, medical and community facilities,” Mr Wynne said.
“All of the units will be upgraded both inside and out, and the residents will be able to enjoy homes that are more modern and functional.”
Mr Wynne said a consultant had now been engaged to plan the works and the project would soon go out to public tender.
He said he expected works to start within the next six months and be completed by the end of the 2008-09 financial year.
The estate comprises 19 one-bedroom units and six bed-sits.
The work will include the upgrading of the existing one-bedroom units and conversion of the six bed-sits into three one-bedroom units.
It is expected that most of the residents will be able to stay in their units while the renovations and upgrades are carried out.