Health Consumers Queensland Strategic Plan
Qld Health Minister Stephen Robertson has launched the Health Consumers Queensland Strategic Plan 2008-10, strengthening the voice of consumers in the state’s public health system.
Mr Robertson said the strategic plan identified a number of strategies to include consumers in health processes.
“These include the development of a framework for consumer engagement, a register of health consumers interested in having input into health policies and initiatives, and a health advocacy toolkit and training package for consumers and advocates,” he said.
Health Consumers Queensland was established within Queensland Health last year as a Ministerial Consumer Advisory Committee and secretariat.
The 14 members of the committee represent a diversity of health consumers from a range of life stages, health populations, and social situations, including representation from indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse groups, regional and remote communities, people with a disability, and women.
Committee members consult widely, speaking with peak consumer and community organisations throughout Queensland.
Mr Robertson encouraged health consumers to make full use of the new body.
There are more than four million Queenslander’s who may, at some stage, use Queensland Health facilities and services,” Mr Robertson said. “Everyone has an interest in the way health services are delivered and I’d encourage all Queenslanders to use the resources and expertise of Health Consumers Queensland to contribute their ideas and experiences.”
Health Consumers Queensland will be advising on challenges such as the effects of climate change, unhealthy lifestyles, preventable diseases, a growing and ageing population, mental illness, and the unacceptable gap in indigenous life expectancy.”