Have your say on utilities prices
The National Electricity Consumers Advocacy Panel was established in 2001 to grant funds to representatives of domestic and business electricity consumers for advocacy on the development of the national electricity market and the National Electricity Rules.
It allocates grants for advocacy on behalf of consumers in gas and electricity markets.
In 2008, as a result of an amendment to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) Establishment Act, the Panel was reconstituted as the Consumer Advocacy Panel with responsibility for granting funding for advocacy and research on electricity and natural gas issues.
The Panel invites expressions of interest from parties with the skills and experience to advocate the interests of households and/or small business in policy and regulatory forums, including in price resets for gas and electricity distribution.
Submissions should outline skills and experience of personnel who would provide this service and, for parties that are not presently a recognised representative body of either consumer group, an outline of the avenues that could be pursued to achieve representative status.
Closing date for expressions of interest is 17 April 2009.
Expressions of interest should be addressed to Kerry Connors, executive director, Consumer Advocacy Panel, and emailed to info@advocacypanel.com.au