‘Hands’ needed in Lithgow, NSW
The Lithgow branch of the Australian Red Cross is in urgent need of volunteers for their ‘Hands On’ Program.
This program has been so successful in Lithgow that they do not have enough volunteers to go to all the aged care facilities in the area.
The ‘Hands On’ Program is a service run by volunteers as part of the Australian Red Cross NSW.
‘Hands On’ volunteers provide a friendly visit and hand and nail care to residents in aged care facilities.
The aim of the ‘Hands On’ Program is to increase social interaction, feelings of well being and confidence by providing companionship and touch.
In Lithgow, the aged care facilities are visited on the first and third Tuesday of the month from 10am to noon or Tuesday afternoon from 1pm to 3pm.
Training will be provided at Red Cross House Lithgow, and all the procedures needed to be followed will be explained at the training day.
The day for training has not been set as yet, and will be determined by the number of volunteers registering.
Please come and join them; it is only four hours a month of your time, but this will make such a difference to the people seen.
You do not have to be a member of Red Cross to be part of the ‘Hands On’ Program.
If you would like to volunteer and cannot get to the Lithgow Valley Complex, please contact any of these people: Eve-Lynne Dive, ‘Hands On’ coordinator 6359 3376, email edive@skymesh.com.au, Judy Alexander president, Lithgow Red Cross 6351 3493, or Patricia Charlton secretary, Lithgow Red Cross 6352 2424, email patriciacharlton@bigpond.com