GP Superclinic for Devonport Tas
The Rudd Government has signed a contract with Devonport GP Superclinic Pty Ltd for $5 million to establish the Devonport GP Super Clinic at 8 Wenvoe Street and 144A William Street in Devonport, Tasmania.
The Devonport GP Super Clinic will accommodate General Practitioners (GPs), practice nurses, allied health professionals and medical specialists who will operate in multidisciplinary teams to provide integrated health care services – services which aim to meet the health needs and priorities of the local community.
The GP Super Clinic will provide new preventative care and chronic disease management services including a cardiac rehabilitation clinic, an osteoporosis clinic, additional services from psychologists, physiotherapists, dieticians and osteopaths.
These services are designed to support people in Devonport with mental health issues, diabetes, asthma and musculoskeletal problems.
New services for asthma, diabetes and falls prevention are expected to commence by the end of April.
The Devonport GP Super Clinic will be open until 10.30pm each night to provide after-hours service, easing the burden on the emergency department of the Mersey Community Hospital.
Bulk billing will also be available to pensioners and health care card holders.