GP bulk-billing rises again
Figures for the December quarter 2006 show general practitioner (GP) bulk-billing has increased to 77.1%, an increase for the 12th consecutive quarter.
The GP bulk-billing rate in rural and remote areas increased to 71.9%. The GP bulk-billing rate for people aged 65 years remains at the 10-year high of 87.1%.
Bulk-billing rates in the December quarter 2006, compared with the December 2003 quarter state by state:
NSW up 7.1 percentage points to 82.8%;
South Australia up 16.0 points to 76.6%;
Queensland up 12.8 points to 74.5%;
Victoria up 11.5 points to 75.1%;
Western Australia up 9.3 points to 71.8%;
Tasmania up 22.6 points to 71.0%;
Northern Territory up 2.5 points to 62.7%; and
ACT up 15.2 points to 50.1%.
The GP bulk-billing rate has increased 10.6 percentage points since the Australian Government introduced its $4 billion ‘Strengthening Medicare’ reforms in 2004. The most significant increases have occurred where the Government has targeted incentives for children and older Australians.