Further evidence of growing risk to carers
Carers are more than 40% more likely to suffer from at least one chronic health condition when compared to the rest of the community according to new research released in a report ,The Health and Wellbeing of Adult Family Carers in South Australia.
It comes from a 10 year longitudinal study conducted in South Australia. Amongst its many findings is that 70% of carers reported conditions such as diabetes, asthma, arthritis and cardiovascular disease.
The study also added weight to the evidence of an upward trend in the number of carers in our community.
This new work follows the release of The Wellbeing of Australians: Carer Health and Wellbeing which found one third of carers were severely or extremely depressed.
Both reports show carers are experiencing poorer health and wellbeing as a result of multiple contributing risk factors.
Carers Australia chief executive officer, Joan Hughes, said she was not surprised by the most recent findings but she was concerned.
“We now have solid evidence going back more than a decade that clearly illustrates the urgent need to address carer health and wellbeing,” Ms Hughes said. “Yet there is still no national plan in effect to address the problem.”
The Health and Wellbeing of Adult Family Carers in South Australia is available from www.health.sa.gov.au/PROS
The Wellbeing of Australians: Carer Health and Wellbeing is available from www.carersaustralia.com.au
Carers Australia’s Federal Budget Submission 2008-2009 is available from www.carersaustralia.com.au