Free smoke alarm battery replacement for the elderly in NSW
The Smoke Alarm Battery Replacement for the Elderly (SABRE) program is designed to support the elderly residing in their own homes, who have limited domestic support, (ie: those persons without family, relatives or friends who are able to assist) to live independently and remain valuable assets in the community.
The program sees the NSW Fire Brigades forming partnerships with other community organisations to assist senior citizens in the maintenance of their fire safety devices, primarily their battery operated smoke alarms.
SABRE will also enable local NSWFB firefighters to provide safety advice whilst visiting the SABRE clients’ premises and to also get a better understanding of client needs.
SABRE clients are asked to contact their local NSWFB station at intervals based on the type of battery being installed (9 volt lithium batteries – 10 years, alkaline batteries – two years and carbon batteries annually), or if the smoke alarm chirps earlier indicating a low battery level.
The NSWFB installs the clients smoke alarm or batteries at no installation cost.