Free Melb workshops in may on rights and powers of attorney
Three seminars – one for health and community care professionals, and two for members of the public – are being held during Law Week in Victoria in May.
The Office of the Public Advocate is holding a free Law Week workshop for health and community care workers to explore practice issues related to autonomy, advocacy, risk and rights, and guardianship and administration.
It is being held on Tuesday 15 May, 10am to 12pm, at 5/436 Lonsdale St. Melbourne. Bookings are essential. Call (03) 9603 9566 to reserve a place at the workshop.
The Office will also hold a free seminar on Thursday 17 May for members of the public on enduring powers of attorney led by an Advocate/Guardian, and is launching a new DVD explaining what to do now to prepare for the future 10am– 12pm at the Office of the Public Advocate, 5/436 Lonsdale St, Melbourne 3000. Bookings are also essential for this seminar, please call (03) 96039566.
The State Trustees will be presenting a Seminar on Thursday 17 May on wills and enduring powers of attorney at Hotel Bruce County, 445 Blackburn Rd, Mt Waverley 10.30am – 12pm. Bookings essential, phone (03) 9667 6423.