Elder abuse brochure for aged and community care staff
Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA) has produced and distributed a leaflet Protecting Older People: How to recognise and address elder abuse.
The new wallet sized brochure is designed to be given to each staff member in aged and community care. It covers what elder abuse is, how to know if someone is being abused, what to do if a worker thinks someone is being abused, and how to respond to an abusive situation.
The leaflet has been sent to state associations for distribution, and a PDF version is on the ACSA website at www.agedcare.org.au. This is formatted for use as a poster.
ACSA publications In Their Shoes for workers in residential aged care, and In Their Homes for workers in community care, which are general introductions to work in the industry, also contain sections about abuse along with other information.