Demystifying your medicines – Ask Your Pharmacist Week 2007
Pharmacies across Australia are encouraging consumers to take a more active role in managing their health and medicines during Ask Your Pharmacist Week 2007 (17 – 24 August).
This year’s event focuses on the benefits of consumers learning more about their medicines, by asking their local pharmacist for Consumer Medicines Information (CMI) when picking up a prescription.
CMI are leaflets available free of charge from pharmacies, designed to help make prescription medicines more consumer-friendly and safer to use. They are especially important for people starting new medicines or for those who take medicines regularly.
CMI leaflets are written in plain English to clearly tell the customer how the medicine works and what it can be used for. They answer common questions about the medicine including how to take or use it properly, things to consider before taking it and any known side effects.
Consumers can also obtain CMI leaflets online at, a new website providing free access to high quality, up to date information about medicines.
For more information on Ask Your Pharmacist Week visit