Consumers, industry organisations welcome Govt’s aged care reforms
COTA Over 50s has congratulated the Government on the aged care package as “ fair to seniors; supports services for disadvantaged groups including indigenous and homeless people; and puts an emphasis on community care packages and high care accommodation.”
Patricia Reeve, executive director policy, also welcomed the decision not to introduce
accommodation bonds for high care (nursing home) residents. “The financial status of
people seeking places should no longer determine whether they can gain entry to a home of their choice,” she said.
The new resident care fees will subject all income, whether from pensions, superannuation or private sources, to the same test.
Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA) today described the Australian Government’s new package of measures as “a welcome boost to an industry under strain”, and as “ a step forward”.
“Funding for high care (nursing homes) in particular has been tight as costs have risen faster than Government subsidies. Funding for nursing home capital costs has been the most difficult area of all. This package contains measures to address many of the issues in this area, identified by Professor Warren Hogan in his 2004 report on aged care funding,” said an ACSA spokesperson.
“More resources will be available to build new, and refurbish existing, nursing homes and there will be greater equity in the user payments for these services, particularly between pensioners and self-funded retirees.
“We are pleased that these are not one-off top-ups but will mean ongoing increases in the level of capital available.
“The substantial boost to community care services is consistent with people’s desire to remain living at home for as long as possible.”