Community care grants for SA Masonic Homes
Masonic Homes Incorporated, a leading aged care provider in South Australia and the Northern Territory, has received a significant boost with the organisation awarded more than $3.25 million in new government grants for Community Care delivery.
Most of the new funding – on top of funds Masonic Homes already receives – is recurrent, with upwards of $1.5 million available for projects in the current financial year.
Most of the new funding had been allocated to:
•an extra 15 CACPs (Community Aged Care Packages), 22 EACH (Extended Aged Care at Home) and 23 EACHD (Extended Aged Care at Home -Dementia) positions to become immediately available.
•respite for older carers of people with a disability;
•a number of low level HACC (Home and Community Care) packages, and;
•flexible respite care in Darwin from Masonic Homes’ Community Care team.