Community and church groups given Rudd support
The Rudd Government wants community and church groups to have a bigger role in providing welfare services and is supporting their ability to campaign for their clients.
Prime Minister Rudd said that the pioneering work carried out by church and community groups had often led to the important development of health, education, and welfare services for the Australian people.
The PM, delivering the Mick Young (former leading ALP figure and a Minister in the Hawke Government) memorial speech, said that “the reality is that the social fabric of local communities is important to the health and wellbeing of individuals within those communities”.
“The social fabric of local communities also shapes economic outcomes.
“We also have a responsibility to acknowledge that the sector is potentially a critical partner with government in helping to expand these opportunities for all Australians on the ground”.
Mr Rudd said that there should be increased flexibility between the government and the non-government sectors to work in partnership on services delivery.