Carers NSW seeks carer representatives
Carers NSW provides carer representation at all levels of government and non government organisations.
Carer representatives can be involved at committee meetings, forums and media interviews.
Carers have the opportunity to participate as carer representatives and engage in national and state policy planning and service decisions that affect them as individual carers, carers in general; people they care for; and their families.
Some opportunities, such as Carers Week, may assist to enlighten a range of professionals and general community members.
The program is being coordinated by Liz Dore and the Policy, Strategy and Communication Unit. Organisations can request a carer representative to be involved in regular meetings or in a specific event as a guest speaking.
Expressions of interest are also being sort from carers, friends and family who will reflect the diverse range of caring situations including:
1. young carers
2. older parent carers
3. carers for people who are ageing
4. carers of a child or adult with a disability
5. friends and family supporting a person with mental health needs
One of the aims is to represent the range of cultural groups within NSW including:
* Aboriginal people
* Arabic, Cantonese, Greek, Italian and Vietnamese speaking communities
* South African, Sudanese, Indonesian, Iraqi and Lebanese cultural groups
Those interested in making a request for, or in expressing an interest in, being a carer representative should contact Liz Dore at Carers NSW (02) 9280 4744 (Mon – Wed) or by email