Canberrans speak up at debate
An urgent pension increase, GP shortages, ageing at home, suburban infrastructure and superannuation worries were the key issues raised by older Australians at an ACT Election Debate.
Around 100 people attended the National Seniors Australia debate to hear what the major election candidates would offer seniors if elected.
Chief Minister, Jon Stanhope, representing the Labor Party, committed to the development of a $12 million GP package and promised to establish a new health and wellbeing centre in West Belconnen.
ACT Liberal candidate for Ginninderra, Vicki Dunne, also addressed the GP shortage with a $19.8 million commitment toward the establishment of more after hours bulk billing clinics, as well as a $1.7 million commitment to address dental health care needs of senior Canberrans.
Greens lead candidate for Brindabella, Amanda Bresnan, addressed the GP shortage and ageing at home with a plan for a universal housing design,which allows seniors to remain at home longer.