Calling for volunteers – 65 Roses Day campaign
Cystic Fibrosis Australia (CFA) is calling for volunteers to help sell pins, ribbons, wrist bands, pens and other merchandise throughout May, leading up to, and including, Friday 25 May which is ’65 ROSES DAY’ – CFA’s annual fundraising day throughout Australia.
Terry Stewart, chief executive officer of Cystic Fibrosis Australia, said it was a genetic recessive disease that affected over 3,000 children and young Australians.
“CFA is asking for volunteers to help us raise funds for this worthwhile cause – they simply call our special telephone number which is 1800 635 008, or they can register by visiting the website,” said Mr Stewart.
65 Roses Day is CFA’s primary awareness campaign that is used to raise funds for people living with CF, and to finance research projects. CFA is calling for volunteers to register to help sell fundraising merchandise during May in the lead up to 65 Roses Day. Ribbons, pins, wrist bands, pens and other merchandise will be available for purchase from L.J Hooker, Big W and other participating outlets.