Aussie women world beaters in age
Australian women on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, Western Australia’s agriculture belt south east of Perth and Perth, have amongst the longest life expectancies in the world.
The Sunshine Coast has Australia’s longest life expectancy for women in Australia at 84.7 years and the Upper Great Southern Statistical Division (the agricultural area southeast of Perth) with an average of 84.6 years.
This is followed closely by Perth at 84.4 years, WA’s Midlands, north of Perth at 84.3 years and outer Adelaide at 84.2 years.
For men, Canberra and Melbourne tie for the longest life expectancy in Australia at 80 years.
Overall, as a jurisdiction, the Australian Capital Territory has the highest life expectancy in Australia for both men and women at 80 and 83.9 years, respectively.
Australian men reaching the age of 65 can now expect to live to about 83 years and women to about 86 years – about six more than their counterparts a century ago.
The Minister for Ageing, Mrs Justine Elliot has released the top 10 areas of Australia with the highest life expectancy for both men and women.
Mrs Elliot was drawing on new data compiled from recent ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) reports and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s Australia’s Health 2008 report.