Applications for ‘Senior Australian of the Year’ close end of August
The process to select the 2009 ‘Senior Australian of the Year’ is underway, with nominations closing at the end of this month.
The Minister for Ageing, Mrs Justine Elliot, has called for community nominations.
The ‘Senior Australian of the Year’ award recognises that older Australians make important contributions to the community on a daily basis, and in many different ways.
“This is an opportunity to nominate someone aged 60 years and over, who has made a significant contribution to Australian life, and who continues today to give their time and energy to building better communities,” Mrs Elliot said.
Nominations for the ‘Senior Australian of the Year’ close at the end of this month, with the state and territory finalists to be announced at the end of the year.
The finalist will be announced at the national ceremony in Canberra just before Australia Day.
Nomination forms are online at: