AMA calls for nursing home residents to have access to medical care
Ensuring aged care residents have access to medical care is just as important as making sure nursing homes are equipped to deal with fires or other emergencies, the Australian Medical Association (AMA) says in response to the Governments new rules stating that all nursing homes applying for Federal Government-funded aged care places will be required to demonstrate that they are equipped to deal with disaster threats such as bushfires and floods.
AMA president, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said aged care facilities must also be required to ensure residents have ongoing access to medical care.
“Disasters like fires and floods are important but occasional threats to the physical safety of residents in some aged care homes.
“But aged care residents around Australia suffer from serious health conditions every day of the year and some residents are missing out on the medical care they need,” Dr Capolingua said.
“Nursing home residents have the same right to see a doctor as other Australians.
“The Government should also amend Aged Care Accreditation Standards to require nursing homes to provide access to appropriate medical care on an ongoing basis for residents and provide financial support to assist providers to do this.”