Aged care leaders criticise Govt and ALP
Greg Mundy and Rod Young, from the Aged Care Industry Council, said yesterday’s debate at the National Press Club between Aged Care Minister Christopher Pyne and Opposition spokeswoman Senator Jan McLucas showed both parties were out of touch on aged care.
“Neither Party offered a satisfactory solution to the capital funding challenges which must be met if the industry is to meet the needs of an ageing population,” Mr Young said.
“Minister Pyne said he stood on the Government’s record and while Senator McLucas would only commit to a two year review process if the ALP wins government.
“Aged Care Industry Council research shows that 76% of voters say that aged care issues will influence their vote at this year’s election. Both parties therefore need to provide answers to the challenges facing aged care.”
Greg Mundy, who is the chief executive officer (CEO) of Aged and Community Services Australia, said the sector needed a better deal if it was to meet the needs of an ageing population.
“We need solutions on capital and sufficient recurrent funds to provide the quality care the industry wants to provide to our clients in both residential and community care,” he said.
Rod Young, CEO of Aged Care Association Australia, called on the Government to create an aged care capital trust, similar to the education and health trusts already announced, with the capacity to provide funding needed to support the future capital needs of the industry.