Aged Care can benefit from new information technology systems
The Minister for Ageing, Ms Justine Elliot, says aged care providers who adopt new information technology systems can improve resident care and make significant financial savings.
Ms Elliot was referring to new research and clinical IT trials recently undertaken by the Federal Government – at the ’20th Annual Nursing and Management Issues Congress’ in
“We are seeing major progress in clinical-monitoring trials – the results provide important opportunities for the sector,” Ms Elliot said.
“One IT aged care trial resulted in a cost saving of approximately $200,000 across the 23 participating homes.
“If adopted by all 2,870 nursing homes across
“Another trial demonstrated that information technology for health care professionals prescribing medication can slash prescribing and medication review times by more than half – while providing greater accuracy.
“A GP who used an e-prescribing product in the trial reported that he could produce five to six medication charts in less than 20 minutes, when it used to take over 45 minutes.
“I urge providers to adopt new information technology, save on their bottom line and take