Aged care body welcomes swine flu sector planning
Aged and Community Care Victoria (ACCV) has welcomed the positive steps taken by both state government and the aged care industry in preparing for the inevitable impact of swine flu on aged care facilities across Victoria.
“Over recent weeks our Association has been working closely with the Department of Human Services in recognition that aged care homes are particularly vulnerable to any influenza outbreak and our industry is prepared to respond as a priority,” said ACCV chief executive officer, Gerard Mansour.
“Just like any flu, our members are acting in accord with the advice and procedures set in place by the Department of Human Services. This involves preventative steps such as washing hands, and responding to any outbreak by implementing control and isolation procedures, as well as notifying all relevant authorities,” he said.
“This is an important reminder that swine flu, just like any flu virus, can occur in any setting including aged care homes. If aged care facilities are forced to implement isolation procedures, please be understanding”.
“Don’t visit mum or dad in an aged care home if you are unwell, and in particular if you have flu like symptoms. Please make sure you take precautions such as regular hand washing, covering your nose and mouth if sneezing and coughing,” he recommended.
“Whether it is in aged care homes or the private homes of the elderly, swine flu will spread just like any other influenza virus, and frail elderly with complex health needs can often be among those most at risk of health complications,” he continued.
“Aged care providers do have an outstanding record in containing and managing infectious diseases such as influenza or gastro but we do need the support and understanding of the community,” said Mr Mansour.