ACT carers grants recipients
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Minister for Community Services, Katy Gallagher, has announced the successful recipients of the Carers Recognition Grants Program (2008-09).
Grants under the program are available each year to enable not-for-profit community organisations to pilot initiatives that support carers in the ACT. Ms Gallagher said more than $200,000 would be allocated to four projects in the ACT.
The Minister said the latest grant round would assist a range of carer groups, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander carers and young carers.
The following initiatives will receive funding in the 2008-09 round:
- Aboriginal Carers Respite Program will support the direct emotional, social, cultural and physical wellbeing of Aboriginal people in Canberra who are providing in-home respite care (Burrunju Aboriginal Corporation);
- Family Matters will provide early intervention support for carers who are relinquishing the primary care role when their loved one enters residential care. The program will continue to provide a family support group which meets twice a month to support these carers (Salvation Army);
- The Coping with Caring Program will provide an education initiative to support those who care for an older person in the community. It will involve a series of eight week programs which aim to better prepare individuals across a range of areas from managing stress, options for support and daily practices to benefit their quality of life (Illawarra Retirement Trust); and
- Improving Transition Support: Identifying Needs in Young Carers aged 18-25, will undertake a research project to inform the development of improved early identification systems to better support Young Carers aged 18-25 (Carers ACT).