$180m Melbourne seniors development wellbeing focus
Australian Unity will develop a $180 million seniors living precinct as part of the Carlton Housing Redevelopment in inner Melbourne. The planned precinct will feature 180 retirement living apartments, 130 aged care and assisted living places and a community wellbeing centre in three five-storey buildings.
The aim of the precinct is to foster wellbeing and social connectivity.
A wellbeing centre will be the focal point of the development, housing a day-respite centre, a seniors-friendly gym a pool and consulting suites that senior members of the local community can access.
It will build on the services offered at other Australian Unity communities, such as the Constitution Hill development in Sydney’s northwest which is part of a National Respite for Carers Program pilot program.
The precinct is part of a broader joint venture project between Australand and St Hilliers to update social housing options in Melbourne’s inner city.
Australian Unity has applications in the current aged care approvals round (ACAR) and work on the wellbeing centre and the aged care facility will begin when the bed licences are approved.